Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tales from Gabriella Rose

Gabriella says "I'm afraid of the dark." I responded "since when are you afraid of the dark?" Gabriella's response "since Wednesday"

This kid cracks me up everyday. She is quickly developing her father's sense of humor, with her witty comebacks. I have a feeling I'm in for trouble in her teen years.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

This just in.....

We have a swimmer in our family.... Miss Sydney Rae for the first time on Monday she swam all by herself. Of course there was the modivation of $2 at the Dollar Tree, but hey now she knows she can do it! I was so proud she conquered her fear and did it all by herself 3 times.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tales from Sydney Rae

Sydney and I were talking about the first day of school and what she should wear. I suggested her teal and white polka dot dress she looked right at me and said, "Mama that's too cutesy, I want to wear something more fashionable." With that statement I decided she was watching way to much Hannah Montana.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My little fish

Gabriella has no fear of the water. It's good and a bad thing. While Sydney has been very timid in swimming lessons, swimming with floats, hardly going under the water, and basically just being very disagreeable to anything her instructor says, Gabriella has been a very daring fish. Last week Sydney flat out refused to put her face anywhere near the water, never mind under it. Within seconds of getting in the pool Gabriella was jumping off the side telling me not to catch her "I do it Mama, I swim by myself." She would jump in and then move her arms and legs and "swim" to me. I was beyond impressed. Then she would just want me to let her go while swimming around the pool. She loves her surfboard and has already taken in move waves then Syd ever has.
I think Bella has made a little impression on Sydney (or maybe it was the bribe of $2 for the Dollar tree) At her last lesson Sydney would be swimming around on her kick board, noodle, or marshmallow and she would at random times just dump the front of her face in the water, growing prouder and prouder of herself each time. It was quite comical, but very cute to see Sydney giving it her all.
I was a proud Mama on Monday. My timid swimmer, had started to get over one of her fears and my Evil Knievel had once again proven that she is a fish.

Tales from Sydney...

-My father went out to eat with people he worked with with last night, when Kevin asked where was Papa, Sydney replied "he's out dating"
-"All my bathing suits are tokinis" (bikinis)
-My mother came into the room holding a spatula and Sydney asked "what is that?" My mother said "I will give you $5 if you can tell me" Sydney looked at her and said "a spatula" Then when my mother walked out of the room Sydney pumped her fist and said "Yes"
-Kevinb took the girls for a walk to Little Beach, it was starting to get dark and Kevin jokingly said "what if we can't find the way home in the dark?" Sydney's response "dun-dun-dun" (just like in the movies)

Never a dull day around here