Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Gabriella Rose

3? Really 3, wow! It goes by so fast, too fast. They always say times flies when you're having fun, and boy are we having fun. You could turn a room full of grumpy old men into mush. Your sense of humor is well beyond your years. The things you come out with, are just plain hilarious. You are one of the most loving considerate people I know. If someone is hurt or sad you offer up your blankie, a kiss, or a bandaid. You love that you are still the "baby" and will take advantage of that at all costs. Your hair, oh my God your hair, it's the tightest bunch of curls I have ever scene. The wildness of it when you wake up, the adorableness of it when you have in pigtails, the maturity of it when you have a headband in. Your hair has all the qualities you have... wild, adorable, and mature. You amaze me everyday, and you make being your Mama the best thing in the world. Happy Birthday Bella I love you!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What I learned on my summer vacation

-Turning 30 isn't so bad
-One of my daughters is fearless, the other is very timid.
-giving Sydney $2 at the Dollar Store will get her to face her fear and stick her face in the water.
-Bribery also works when you want her to face an ever bigger fear of swimming by herself.
-when you hear of that someone only has a 30% to live, you usually think the worst. I now will think of my uncle who is that 30% and have hope.
-the morning after a night of few drinks is not as easy after 30 as it is before.
-dinner always taste better when someone else is cooking it.
-The 80's were quite awesome
-Sydney might be ready for all day kindergarten, but I'm not
-I really want another baby
-Blueberries in milk is the best breakfast
-Gabriella will eat anything except peppers and oatmeal
-I am pretty damn awesome at finding deals and Christmas shopping early
-When you have best friends like Kevin and I, you are actually excited when they move in even closer than next door.
-Sometimes a Margarita solves everything.
-You only need a few friends and a few board games to have fun, no alcohol is needed.
-It's not as hard as you think to be done with Christmas shopping early, you just have to be organized.
-Disney World really is just the best place on earth.
-Gabriella will forever curse me because she has my eyebrows.
-Potty training really, really sucks.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dear Sydney,

You started kindergarten on Tuesday. You were so excited, so excited that you wanted to leave almost an hour ahead of time. You looked beautiful, so grown up yet still so my baby in your green and brown dress. You seemed to have no fear, yet I knew just by the way you clutched my hand you were nervous, but you never let it show. You walked right up to your class line and you were ready. You gave hugs to you father, sister, and I and marched right into school. You are my kindergartner.
I walked you to your first day of kindergarten with Daddy and Gabriella. I was nervous, so nervous that I never wanted to leave. I wore the biggest sunglasses I could find and my hair down to hide my puffy eyes. I had a ton of fear, yet I tried not to show it by clutching your hand. I was not ready for you to walk up to your class line. I wanted to hug you all day. I am the mother of a kindergartner and I couldn't be prouder of her.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


My baby is in kindergarten and it petrifies me. Scared because for the first time in my life I do not have control over my child for 6 hours a day 5 days a week. I handed over my baby, my first born to a woman I had met for an hour 3 months ago, hardest thing I have ever done. I am putting my child's life in her hands not an easy thing to do day after day.
It is day three, I still tear up as she goes into the doors each morning. Not the big heavy tears I had the first day, but the tears are still there. I am expecting it to get eaiser each day or maybe I just hoping and praying it will.