Thursday, April 30, 2009

Disney World

We're off to Disney in 18 days and I'm just a wee bit excited... except for the whole swine flu thing in an extremely public place. I've bought a ton a antibacterial gel and will be bathing myself and my girls in it.

Confessions of a Mommy

I told my girls Tuesday tht snacks for lunch was awesome because it was too hot to cook. they did have pepperoni, cheese, crackers and apples for lunch so it wasn't unhealyth snacks, but that still didn't ease up on the gulit.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Things I never thought I would say...

-Stop licking the wall
-Get your piece of cheese off your sister's feet
-Get the barrettes out of the guniea pig's fur
-The cat is not a doll, get it out of the baby carriage
-Don't put your boogers on your sister
-I have lost about 20lbs in the last 4 months
-I actually have been exercising every day and I don't mind it
-You can just pee in your pull-up
-You have to hand I to the Red Sox they played a really good series
-Get the cat's tail out of your mouth

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Where is spring?

Why is it that when I just put away the winter clothes it's gets cold again? i can't wait for the 90 degree Florida weather.

One good thing...

One good thing about having mice it's made us keep a cleaner kitchen.

We have mice, and it's not Gus Gus

We have mice. I'm freaking out. My husband found mice poop on our kitchen floor. Our cats are apprently no good because they didn't catch it. If the exterminator cannot catch this mouse today, I'm moving.

Friday, April 3, 2009

100 Random facts about me

1) I think my Papa was the greatest man to ever live.

2) I have been to Disney World 26 times, and still can't get enough of it. This May will be my 27th.

3) I can recite about 95% of the lines from Friends word for word.

4) I hate airplanes, they scare the crap out of me and usually make me sick, but it hasn't stopped me from traveling

5) I love Cheesy Christmas movies. My dvr from Nov-Jan is filled with them.

6) I have loved the Yankees since I was a little girl. Also I would leave my husband for Derek Jeter (yes my husband knows this, and he would probably leave me for him too)

7) My daughters are amazing, beautiful, and funny and because they are so amazing, beautiful and funny, it surprises me that they are mine.

8) I love the beach and spend most of my summer there.

9) Being a stay at home mom is the best and hardest thing I have ever done.

10) Blueberries, macaroni, and homemade tacos are my favorite foods.

11) I really don't like ice cream (except Brickley's) and chocolate cake, but I love ice cream cake.

12) I think my family is the best and actually don't mind family get togethers'. (Christmas eve is my favorite)

13) I am obsessed with free samples. In fact I visit at least 4 websites a day to try to get more free samples.

14) Wall-e, The Little Mermaid, Top Gun, and Field of Dreams are my favorite movies.

15) When I was little and used to play house, I pretended my husband's name was Kevin and he had red hair. Today I am married to an awesome red haired guy named Kevin.

16) If I had a superpower I wish it was that I could make everyone break out in song and dance. Everyone would just know the moves and the words just like Grease or High School Musical.

17) I have had 8 surgeries. 1 on my tear duct, 2 on my left knee, 3 on my right knee, and 2 c-sections.

18) I wish I got married at Disney World, but I still think my wedding was the best wedding ever.

19) I cannot do my own eyeliner. If you see it on me chances are my sister has put it on me.

20) I can cook a decent dinner, but I cook amazingly awesome appetizers.

21) I think Saturday or Sunday game nights are the best way to spend a weekend.

22) I don't own a winter coat.

23) The first movie I loaded on my ipod was Caillou. If you don't know what that is then you don't have a toddler

24) I had Sydney the same night that Ty Law's wife had a baby. They were on the same floor and my husband rode the elevator with him. He would park his Hummer in the fire lane for hours.

25) When I worked in CVS an old woman died in the store, her teeth fell out and shot down the aisle. Saddest and weirdest work day ever

26) I have 2 cats named Kahlua and Martini although my husband and are not big drinkers, we will continue with this naming tradition for all the pets we get in the future just because we think there are many possible choices and it's fun to have a theme (probably because we're a little odd too)

27) When I eat popcorn I will burn it a little. Because I like the taste better.

28) I like flat soda.

29)I bit my nails until about 4 years ago, I now have nails that I'm quite proud of. Although Sydney has taken up the bad habit now and I can't break her of it.

30) Lost, Grey's Anatomy, and Brothers and Sisters are my favorite tv shows.

31) I read an average at least 2 books a week

32) I hate onions, but will eat onion strings or onions that are burnt in fajitas (it's a texture thing)

33) I also really hate mayonnaise it make me gag.

34) Every time a new Harry Potter book or movie comes out I reread the books. So I've read the first book at least 10 times.

35) I can't wait till Sydney turns 8 so I can read her all the Harry Potter books.

36) I also love the Twilight series and will reread them too once I get them.

37) I am an almost 30 year old woman and still think farts are extremely hilarious.

38) I don't want to live in Rhode Island anymore (I want to move to Florida) but when we do move I will miss alot about RI.

39)My extended family, hot wieners, Del's lemonade, the beaches (especially Bonnet Shores) the fact that everything is no more then 20 minutes away, the restaurants, the Italian bread from the bakeries, and always seeing someone you know wherever you go are among the things I will miss the most.

40) The weather, the way everyone drives (hello they put a blinker in your car for a reason), the fact that our street (or mostly any other street) is never plowed when it snows, Mineral Spring Ave, and our very crooked politicians are among the things that I will not miss.

41) My Papa designed the Seabee logo and name for the Navy.

42) Up until January of 09 I hated to exercise, but since I have started to do it every day it has become part of my routine and I miss it and feel guilty if I don't do it.

43) Since I started to exercise I have lost about 15lbs. It's one of the main things that keeps me going. I'm actually starting to not be grossed out by the way I look.

44) I was anorexic for a full year in high school. I still don't think my parents knew the extent of it. I would hide the lunches my mom made me under my bed or tell them i was going out to eat with my friends so I didn't have to eat. I have pictures of myself and you can actually count my ribs. I will always keep those pictures to remind myself never to go back to that.

45) I have always wanted to swim with dolphins and if I ever get the chance, I will probably bawl my eyes out.

46) I want at least one more baby, if not 2. I've always wanted a big family.

47) I know more about sports then my husband, except for hockey. I have made him a Yankees and Patriots fan.

48)Orca whales are my favorites animals.

49)Every time I walk on Main Street in Disney World I get goose bumps and tear up. Same thing when they have the fire works over the castle.

50)We own over 75 children's movies and 75% of them are Disney movies.

51)I let my daughters wear Halloween costumes (any time of year) and dress up outfits out in public. Just because I choose to pick my battles with them and what they wear, as long as it's weather appropriate, is not a battle that I feel I need to fight. (plus I think it's cute and they the the attention they get)

52)I think that I will never look or feel as good as I did on my wedding day.

53)When I was pregnant with Sydney I craved chicken parmesan, McDonald's french fries, and milk.

54)When I was pregnant with Gabriella I craved hot wieners, lobster, shrimp, and Wise onion rings.

55)I rarely eat breakfast, but when I'm on vacation I always want breakfast. The bigger the better.

56)I have 2 tattoos. A rose on my right lower back that I got when I went to Italy when I was 17 and a sun with stars inside it on my left shoulder. I totally regret the sun and will never regret the rose.

57)I want 1 more tattoo, but can't decide where or what to get. I want something to represent my kids.

58)I am addicted to Target and if I had a ton of money I would still shop there.

59)My first concert was New Kids on the Block. I still love them and can still recite all the words to their songs.

60)I can not spell. Thank God for spell check.

61)I am a big time klutz, and have sadly passed on that trait to my daughter Gabriella.

62)Gabriella looks just like I did. It's really weird to look at her sometimes because it's like looking in a mirror that shows the past.

63)Everyone thinks that Sydney looks like my husband because they have the same hair color(red), but really she looks alot more like me.

64)I wish I had a style as apposed to "it was on clearance."

65)When I was a kid I wanted to be a teacher or a marnie biologist.

66)I want to live in Disney World. I think it would be pretty cool to be in the happiest place on earth' every day.

67)I won an All-New England (like all-state sport awards, but better because it's All-New England)award for acting when I was a senior in High School and I am still extremely proud of it.

68)I love roller coasters, the crazier the better.

69)I swear worse then a sailor. Thank you Daddy

70)I separate candy with different colors and eat them by color. The color I like the least first and move up to my favorite.

71)Spice drops are my favorite comfort food. I know it's weird.

72)I am a compulsive list maker. For chores, vacations, parties, holidays, I always make lists, usually multiple lists for each.

73)I hate to drive. I'm not a big fan, but I'm a horrible passenger.

74)The reason I'm such a horrible passenger is because Aug. of 06, my sister, her boyfriend, Sydney (who was 2 at the time) and Me (7 months pregnant) were hit by an 88 year old woman who ran a red light. She said her brakes didn't work, they did, she hit the gas instead. My sister's car spun around at least 4 times, and we were hit 3 times by 2 different cars. Thank God nobody was severely hurt, but my sister and I will have life-long injuries because of it.

75)That car accident made the argument I have that anyone over 75 needs to be evaluated every year to see if they still have the skills, the ability to react, or even the eye sight to be still able to drive.

76)I have at least 3 of my close relatives who I think should have their licences taken away.

77)I really love the smell of coffee, but don't really like the taste.

78)I name all my cars. I've had the crap mobile (my first car) Daisy, Maverick (which my husband still drives) and Malibu.

79)I now drive a mini van named Harry Potter (Sydney named it) which I love. I always wanted one, and now that I have one, I can't really believe I like my car so much.

80)My Papa was asked to work for Disney as an animator. The first movie he would have worked on would have been Snow White. Instead of working for Disney, he came home and married my Grandma. So if he did work for Disney I might not be here.

81)I love blogs and read a bunch everyday. Knowing that there is someone else out there going through the same mommy problems as me helps me get through the day.

82)My father hates balloons, and he actually used to stick his cigarette in the to pop them. So now every time one of my daughters wants a balloon, I have a hard time saying no.

83)I breastfed Syd until she was 7 months old. Gabriella had to have a bottle before they would let her leave the NICU so I had to pump for her because her and I never got the hang of the whole breastfeeding thing. (She liked instant gratification) I only pumped for 3 months. I will always feel the "mommy guilt" that I didn't breastfeed both of them longer (especially Gabriella)

84)I love decorating my house for all holidays. The sooner the decorations are up the better.

85)Every year we put up our Christmas decorations the week of Thanksgiving.

86)Our tree has all ornaments the were given to us. Each one has a story and makes putting up the tree very special.

87)Now that I have a Christmas tree that has such meaning, I would never be able to have a tree that just had meaningless glass balls on it. It would never seem as pretty to me.

88)When we get a house I would love to have Christmas trees in all the common rooms. Right now we have 2 one for the girls in their room and one for the living room.

89)Even if we have room for the girls not to have to share bedrooms when we do eventually get a house I will probably still keep them in the same room. My sister and I shared a room for almost 10 years and i think we are closer because of it.

90)When we were little my sister and I had My Little Pony bed tents. I still think those were the coolest things ever and will probably get my daughters the closest thing I can find to it someday.

91)Sydney had danced in 2 dance recitals and every time she gets on stage I cry with pride. I don't think that will ever stop.

92)My husband and I made a deal for the first year of our kids lives I get up with them, then after that it's his job. I always thought he had the better end of the deal (which he was supposed to because he actually has to get up and go to work and I get to stay here all day) until Gabriella started with her night terrors.

93)I still wish upon stars. I hope that never changes.

94)I still have my wedding flowers. They are dusty and would probably break if I moved the bouquet, but I will probably never have the heart to throw them out.

95)My husband and I collect Disney pins. We have over a 100. It's something we can do as a family. We recently started getting the kids into it.

96)I love to color and having 2 daughters gives me a great excuse to do it as an adult.

97)I have to sleep with covers on even when it's 100 degrees out.

98)My house is never clean. I like playing with my kids too much to stop and clean the house.

99)I start to Christmas shop in January. I already have a bunch of stuff put away for this Christmas.

100)I never thought I would actually be able to finish this list.

Tales by Gabriella Rose

Sydney and her were writing letters to Santa last week (because what better why to get what you want then a letter to Santa in April, that's when he makes all the good stuff) Sydney asked Gabriella what she wanted her to to put on her letter. Gabriella replied "A glass of milk."' When I told Kevin the story he proceded to pump his fist in the air and said " score, Gabriella's Christmas shopping is done."