Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The 80's are back... or at least for my Birthday party they were

When Kevin mentioned me having a themed 30'th Birthday party 2 months ago, I was all for the 80's theme, but as the day got closer I grew more and more aprehensive. I had 2 big concerns one was that no one would dress up, or that they would dre4ss up but not be so happy about it. Well apprentely alot of my friend and family still have some afection for teased hair, leg warmers, nylon workout wear,and neon colors. There was alot of blue and green eye shadow, a bottle or 2 of aqua net, fish net gloves, and some hot leggins. Even the kids got in on the action with Star Wars t-shirts, paint splatter, jumpsuits, rainbows, and jelly braclets. I love the comitment that every put foward.

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