Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What I learned on my summer vacation

-Turning 30 isn't so bad
-One of my daughters is fearless, the other is very timid.
-giving Sydney $2 at the Dollar Store will get her to face her fear and stick her face in the water.
-Bribery also works when you want her to face an ever bigger fear of swimming by herself.
-when you hear of that someone only has a 30% to live, you usually think the worst. I now will think of my uncle who is that 30% and have hope.
-the morning after a night of few drinks is not as easy after 30 as it is before.
-dinner always taste better when someone else is cooking it.
-The 80's were quite awesome
-Sydney might be ready for all day kindergarten, but I'm not
-I really want another baby
-Blueberries in milk is the best breakfast
-Gabriella will eat anything except peppers and oatmeal
-I am pretty damn awesome at finding deals and Christmas shopping early
-When you have best friends like Kevin and I, you are actually excited when they move in even closer than next door.
-Sometimes a Margarita solves everything.
-You only need a few friends and a few board games to have fun, no alcohol is needed.
-It's not as hard as you think to be done with Christmas shopping early, you just have to be organized.
-Disney World really is just the best place on earth.
-Gabriella will forever curse me because she has my eyebrows.
-Potty training really, really sucks.


Heather M said...

Are you lying about the 30 thing? Cause I don't think I am ready for this.

Laura said...

I wish I was lying

Laura said...

I wish I was lying about the morning after drinking thing, and about injury recovery, but everything else is very ok